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Carnegie Mellon University


The center provides seed funding, post-doctoral researching funding and student support.

Small Grants

  • Bryon Balint (Tepper School of Business), "Management and Service Provider Relationships in IT-enabled Outsourcing"
  • Gerard Beenen (Tepper School of Business), "The Effects of Learning and Performance Goal Orientations on Creativity"
  • Matthew Diabes (Tepper School of Business), "Team Well-being, Transactive Memory and Team Performance"
  • Erin Fahrenkopf (Tepper School of Business), "Knowledge Transfer by Employees Across Firm Boundaries: A Micro Process with Consequential Macro Outcomes”
  • Erica Fuchs (Engineering and Public Policy), "Design for Location: The Impact of Offshoring on Technology Competitiveness in the Optoelectronics Industry"
  • Limor Golan, "Promotion and Turnover of Executives"
  • Jerry Guo (Tepper School of Business), "Organizational Routines and Adaptability"
  • Elina Hwang (Tepper School of Business), "Learning to Cross Boundaries in Online Knowledge Communities"
  • John Kush (Tepper School of Business), "The Influence of Communication Networks and Turnover on Transactive Memory Systems and Team Performance"
  • Jonathan Kush (Tepper School of Business), "How Training Moderates the Relationship between Turnover and Group Performance"
  • Sunkee Lee and Jisoo Park (Tepper School of Business), "Seniority-contingent Learning from Others' Failures within Organizations: Evidence from Micro Data on Heart Surgeons"
  • Jisoo Park (Tepper School of Business), "How Employing Contractors Affects Knowledge Transfer in Hospitals"
  • Sae-Seul Park (Tepper School of Business), "How Performance Incentives Impact the Utilization of Shared Knowledge"
  • Sae-Seul Park (Tepper School of Business), "Are Knowledge Sharing and Learning Trade-offs"
  • Hong Qu (Tepper School of Business), "Learning to Coordinate in Team Production through Prediction Markets"
  • Param Vir Singh (Tepper School of Business), "Developer Learning Dynamics in Open Source Software Projects"
  • Baohung Sun (Tepper School of Business), "Value of Learning and Acting on Customer Information"
  • Roberto Weber (Social and Decision Sciences), “Reflective Learning and Transfer of Learning”
  • Courtney Williamson (Tepper School of Business), "Community College Student Performance: The Effects of a Remedial Intervention, Demographic Factors, and Psychological Factors on Student Achievement and Retention"
  • Courtney Williamson (Tepper School of Business), "The Effect of Explicit and Implicit Communication on the Development of Transactive Memory Systems and Team Performance"

Post-Doctoral Research

Ella Miron-Spektor (Ph.D. the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology), was a Fulbright-ISEF-Rabin Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Center (2006-2007). In 2007, a paper Miron-Spektor co-authored with Miriam Erez and Eitan Naveh was a Best Student Paper Award Finalist, Academy of Management, Technology and Innovation Management Division, "Balancing Innovation Attention-To-Detail and Outcome-Orientation to Enhance Innovative Performance." In 2008, Miron-Spektor was a Sloan Industry Studies, Best Dissertation Award Finalist for "A multilevel perspective on innovation: The personal characteristics, team composition and organizational culture that lead to idea generation and implementation."

Student Support

The Center has provided funding for Ph.D. students to attend the Organization Science Winter Conference, the Annual Meetings of the INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) Meetings and the Academy of Management Meetings as well as seed money to support their research.